The following pages provide information about Putnam County’s workforce and labor shed. Putnam County’s primary labor shed consists of Putnam County and the six surrounding counties of Clay, Hendricks, Montgomery, Morgan, Owen and Parke Counties. A small percentage of workers commute into the county from beyond the primary labor shed.
In addition, Putnam County is part of Economic Growth Region 7 which consists of Putnam County and Clay, Parke, Sullivan, Vermillion and Vigo Counties. The Indiana Department of Workforce Development publishes monthly Labor Market Review reports for Region 7. These reports can be found in the Documents & Reports section of the website. Quarterly and annual job postings and starting wage reports can also be found in Documents and Reports .
For more details, see:
Workforce – Summary
Workforce – Historic Availability
Workforce – Commuting Patterns
Workforce – Local Union Activity